BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Creating the vault database manually
By default, Meridian creates the SQL Server database for a vault automatically during vault creation as described in Creating a new vault. If this is impractical for your organization, a database administrator can create the database in advance of creating the vault.
To create a vault database manually:
Direct a database administrator to create a new SQL Server database with the following requirements:
- The database name must be the same as the expected vault name.
- The .mdf file must be named <VaultName>_Data.mdf.
- The .ndf file must be named <VaultName>_Index.ndf and must be created in the filegroup INDEX_FILES.
- The .ldf file must be named <VaultName>_Log.ldf.
- The INDEX_FILES filegroup must be accessible by the database.
Create a value named DataBaseNotCreated and set it to 0 in the server registry key described in the following topic:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\<vaultname>\CompoundItemService
Create a value named ScriptSavePath in the same server registry key and set it as described in the preceding topic.
- Proceed by creating the vault as described in Creating a new vault and specify the same name for the vault as was used to create the database in step 1.
- Modify the script that was created in the location specified by the ScriptSavePath value.
- Change every occurrence of the text <DatabaseName> in the script to the actual database name. Edit the path specified for each of the filename parameters to refer to the correct locations.
- In SQL Server Management Studio, run the script to create the required tables and indexes. The vault database is now ready for use.